Customer Testimonials

You Sir are AMAZING! You have fixed my furnace 2 times over the phone. One time I called you at like 11:00 p.m. and you answered and didn’t hesitate one minute to help me. You guided me through step by step over the phone on how to fix the problem myself. Then again when I called you did the same thing. It was so nice because I got to learn about the furnace and its parts and how they work. Last summer I called you and you were here quick as can be to fix my air conditioner. What you charge is also amazing. You didn’t drain our pockets to fix it, even though you could of cause we were desperate for cool air in the house with it being 100 degrees outside. Whenever I call you are there and friendly. Thank you so much! You are my first choice and I tell everyone about you and your business so that they too can feel content with knowing an expert has their back and is there to help. – Emily E.

Super fast and friendly service. Jim took the time to explain the air conditioning system that we had in our new house so we knew what to watch for if things weren’t working properly. – Heidi G.

I would highly recommend A1 Heating and Cooling. Jim is very professional and delivers fast and friendly service. – Rena F.

A1 Heating & Cooling has the best service! My call was returned quickly and he was able to solve our furnace problem right over the phone. Jim also installed our new water heater and was able to fit us into his busy schedule. Thank you! – Lisa S.

Best heating and cooling in town! Very personal and friendly! – Alyssa B.